Lack of expertise means that the tables below only represents of some of the species that are present, and in some cases uncertainty is indicated by brackets and a question mark.
Below is a list of Lichens. A photograph (where available) of a specimen found somewhere in the area may be viewed by clicking on the scientific name.
Species | Common Name | Location |
Caloplaca sp. | col 15/03/2008 | |
Candelariella aurella | wp ??/05/2007 | |
Catillaria sp. ? | col 03/11/2005 | |
Cladonia (chlorophaea ?) | wp 23/10/2004; sw 26/12/2004 | |
Cladonia sp. (fimbriata ?) | Capel Road, garden wall 09/11/2002 | |
Cladonia sp. (furcata ?) | sw 09/11/2007 | |
Cladonia sp. (humilis ?) | sw 09/11/2007 | |
Collema (aurata?) | col on a flat tombstone in Chapel Avenue, 25/11/2022 | |
Collema tenax | Capel Road on wall top, 16/11/2020 | |
Flavoparmelia caperata | Capel Road, 27/05/2008; wp 06/05/2010; wf 07/04/2011; bw 28/10/2012; col 14/02/2013 | |
Hypogymnia physodes ? | sw 31/01/2005 on a twig together with Xanthoria parietina; col on a rock slab, 14/02/2013 | |
Lecanora chralotera | wf on a tree with X. parietina, 01/02/2005 | |
Lecanora muralis | col 25/09/2004; wp 21/11/2004 | |
Lepraria incana ? | wp, Chalet Wood, 23/03/2002 | |
Melanelia fuliginosa subsp. glabratula | col 03/11/2005 | |
Parmelia saxatilis | Capel Road, on plane tree, 13/01/2009 | |
Parmelia sulcata | wp Warren Wood, 25/09/2004; by Heronry Pond, 02/03/2006; wf by Alexandra Lake, 08/08/2006 | |
Peltigera (hymenina ?) | Dog Lichen | sw 16/06/2007; col 06/11/2012 |
Physcia adscendens | sw 30/01/2005; wf 18/01/2005; Capel Road, on a plane tree, 24/08/2004: col, 25/09/2004; | |
Physconia grisea | 07/03/2002, Capel Road, on a plane tree; col 25/09/2004, 02/03/2007, 30/03/2008; Capel Road, on a plane tree | |
Ramalina farinacea ? | wp 13/03/2009 | |
Rhizocarpon reductum | Capel Road on wall top, 16/11/2020 | |
Xanthoria aureola ? | wp, on concrete fence post, 23/03/2002 | |
Xanthoria parietina | Common Orange Lichen | wf 04/03/2002; Capel Road 24/08/2004: wp 1303/2009: sw 16/01/2005; |
Xanthoria polycarpa | may be locally as common as the previous species. These two need checking |