Little Ilford Park and Webster's Land
Webster's Land, looking south
This area is a bit of a surprise - tucked away behind the unpromising welcome to the London Borough of Newham if approaching from Ilford. Along the Romford Road here - after passing beneath the flyover and access roads to and from the North Circular Road above - there are business premises on the north side shielding the Alders Brook from the main road whilst on the south side a complex of high-rise blocks and 1960s housing do not do justice to what lies behind them. At the River Roding end of the old Church Road (which itself supports a 12th Century Church - see here) lies a railing-surrounded recreation ground which is Little Ilford Park - at first sight an impressively large area of mown grassland bordered with a tarmacked path and apparently much used by joggers and exercise-walkers.
It was the trees by the border path that caught my eye, for immediately on entering the park I was confronted with a number of ornamental trees that were unfamiliar to me. One of the first that I identified was Oriental Hornbeam Carpinus orientalis and then Dombey's Southern Beech Notofagus dombeyi, next was a small Olive tree Olea europaea. London Plane has been commonly planted, and there are some fine specimens, and also noted were Rowan Sorbus aucuparia, a couple of Silver Pendant Limes Tilia petiolaris, Red Horse Chestnut Aesculus x carnea, a common Hornbeam Carpinus betula and a Paper-bark Birch Betula papyrifera.
Walking along the northern edge of the park, still adjacent to Church Road before it comes to an end, an area of rough land opens out with an introduction to 'Websters Land' presented on a Newham Council information board, on which the images were designed by pupils from nearby schools. A nice selection of the plants, birds and animals that might be found on this meadow-land is shown, and the meadow-land itself was an inviting mix of flowers, shrubs and small trees - quite colourful even when I visited in early August at a time when a lack of rainfall had dried up many areas. Webster's land - apparently relating to Lt. Col. Webster who left some land for the enjoyment of the people of Manor Park - stretches northwards away from the recreation area, bordered on the west by the housing estate and on the east by a hedgerow that shields it from the North Circular Road. It doesn't quite reach the Romford Road at its northern extent because of industrial premises hereabouts.
Around the east and west boundaries of the land, acting as a shield from the A406 and the housing estate, are numerous trees and shrubs - again mostly the results of deliberate planting as is evident in such species as Spindle Euonymus europaeus and Wayfaring Tree Viburnum lantana. These are not known as native species in the area. There are too a variety of trees present including Scarlet Oak Quercus coccinea, White Willow Salix alba and a large Poplar, possibly Hybrid Black-poplar. Grey Poplar Populus x cansescens - as usual - is regenerating freely. Amongst the obviously seeded flower species, a specimen of Broomrape - possibly Knapweed Broomrape - Orobanche sp. was a nice find. A list of the "wildlflowers" (many originally introduced, of course) is given below.
On a visit on 10 August 2010, it was apparent that the area with its abundant flowers was a good environment for insect species. Hoverflies of a variety of species were seen on many of the flower-heads, whilst grasshoppers were common. Apart from "Cabbage" White butterflies, there were many Gatekeepers, some Meadow Browns, a few Common Blue and a Small Copper.
A list of plants in Webster's Land
Recorded in 2010
Stace - 2nd ed. | Species | Name |
Papaver rhoeas
Common Poppy
Urtica dioica
122 |
Quercus robur
English Oak
122 | Quercus coccinea |
Scarlet Oak
124 |
Betula pendula
Silver Birch
126 |
Alnus glutinosa
127 |
Corylus avellana
186 |
Polygonum aviculare
194 |
Rumex crispus
Curled Dock
195 |
Rumex obtusifolius
Broad-Leaved Dock
207 |
Hypericum perforatum
Perforate St. John's Wort
210 |
Tilia x europaea (vulgaris)
Common Lime |
212 |
Malva sylvestris
226 |
Populus tremula
227 |
Populus sp.
(Hybrid Black?) Poplar
228 |
Populus x canescens
Grey Poplar
234 |
Salix alba
White Willow
234 |
Salix fragilis
Crack Willow
237 |
Salix caprea
Goat Willow
258 |
Armoracia rusticana
Horse Radish
272 |
Lepidium draba
Hoary Cress
279 |
Hirschfeldia incana
Hoary Mustard
281 |
Reseda luteola
335 |
Rubus sect. Glandulosus
344 |
Potentilla reptans
Creeping Cinquefoil
346 |
Geum urbanum
Wood Avens
360 |
Rosa canina
Dog Rose
365 |
Prunus spinosa
365 |
Prunus avium
Wild Cherry
370 |
Sorbus aucuparia
397 |
Crataegus monogyna
402 |
Galega officinalis
417 |
Melilotus officinalis
Ribbed Melilot
420 |
Medicago lupulina
Black Medick
427 |
Trifolium pratense
Red Clover
436 |
Ulex europaeus
444 |
Epilobium hirsutum
Great Willow-herb
448 |
Chamerion angustifolium
Rosebay Willow-herb
453 |
Cornus sp.
455 |
Euonymus europaeus
468 |
Aesculus hippocastanum
Horse Chestnut
470 |
Acer pseudoplatanus
470 |
Acer campestre
Field Maple
506 |
Foeniculum vulgare
518 |
Daucus carota
531 |
Solanum dulcamara
534 |
Convolvuls arvensis
Field Bindweed
535 |
Calystegia silvatica
Great Bindweed
559 | Ballota nigra | Black Horehound |
560 |
Lamium album
White Dead-nettle |
583 | Plantago major | Great Plantain |
584 |
Plantago lanceolata
Ribwort Plantain |
585 | Buddleja davidii | Buddleia |
586 |
Fraxinus excelsior
624 |
Rhinanthus minor
627 |
Orobanche sp.
649 |
Galium aparine
Cleavers |
651 |
Sambucus nigra
cultivar 'laciniata'
652 |
Viburnum lantana
652 |
Symphoricarpos albus
661 |
Dipsacus fullonum
662 |
Knautia arvensis
Field Scabious
674 |
Arctium minus
Lesser Burdock
676 |
Cirsium vulgare
Spear Thistle
678 |
Cirsium arvense
Creeping Thistle
681 |
Centaurea cyanus
683 |
Centaurea nigra
Black Knapweed
686 | Lapsana communis | Nipplewort |
686 |
Hypochaeris radicata
Common Cat's-ear |
688 | Picris echioides | Bristly Ox-tongue |
690 | Sonchus oleraceus | Smooth Sow-thistle |
690 |
Lactuca serriola
Prickly Lettuce
698 |
Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia
705 |
Hieracium umbellatum
Leafy Hawkweed
728 |
Bellis perennis
729 |
Artemisia vulgare
732 |
Achillea millefolium
736 |
Tripleurospermum inodorum
Scentless Mayweed
740 |
Senecio squalidus
Oxford Ragwort
740 |
Senecio vulgaris
790 |
Juncus inflexus
Hard Rush
844 |
Festuca gigantea
Giant Fescue
845 |
Festuca rubra
Red Fescue
852 |
Lolium perenne
Perennial Rye-Grass
854 |
Cynosurus cristatus
Crested Dog's-tail
858 |
Poa annua
Annual Meadow-grass
859 |
Dactylis glomerat
859 |
Arrhenatherum elatius
Tall or False Oat-grass
868 |
Holcus lanatus
Yorkshire Fog
872 |
Phalaris arundinacea
Reed Canary-grass
883 |
Phleum bertolonii
Smaller Cat's-tail
890 |
Bromus hordeaceus
Soft Brome
892 |
Elytrigia repens
Common Couch
895 |
Hordeum murinum
Wall Barley
TABLE 2. Ornamental Trees in Little Ilford Park
Ornamental Trees in Little Ilford Park | ||
111 | Platanus x hybrida | London Plane |
120 | Notofagus dombeyi | Dombey's Southern Beech |
(124) | Betula papyrifera | Paper-bark Birch |
127 | Carpinus betulus | Hornbeam |
(127) | Carpinus orientalis | Oriental Hornbeam |
210 | Tilia petiolaris | Silver Pendant Lime |
370 | Sorbus aucuparia | Rowan |
(568) | Aesculus x carnea | Red Horse Chestnut |
(585) | Olea europaea | Olive |