Fungi of Southern Epping Forest 

Expertise to readily and reliably identify fungi in this area has not been readily available to me over the years, so the list below is only a representation of the species that have been found recently. I have labelled some of the species as uncertain by appending a question mark, although it should be emphasised that - due to my own limited expertise - it is possible that there are mis-identifications present within the remainder. Nevertheless, I feel that just having some record - and photographs to go with them - should at least show the variety of fungi that may been found locally.

In 1984 a paper entitled 'The Fungi of Southern Epping Forest' was published in the London Naturalist. (No. 63) by C.W. Plant and G. Kibby'. In this it was acknowledged that the mycological flora of southern Epping Forest has still only begun to be explored, but that public pressure on the study area for recreational purposes does render many specimens unidentifiable because of trampling. Yet it also states that examination has shown that the extensive grasslands, large numbers of mature oaks and rich pond margins fringed with Salix have their own fungal-rich flora. This was a survey of the fungi of that part of the Forest south of Waterworks Corner, which is the same area that is covered within Wanstead Wildlife, so reference should be sought to that paper for more information.

The Mycetozoa or slime moulds have often been associated with the fungi but this group of organisms has now been classified as an entirely separate class of living thing. (the Myxogastria). Some photographs of slime moulds are included preceding the photographs of fungi, and a list is available here.


For lists of fungi found in specific locations, with more details, see below

bw = Bush Wood, click here

col = City of London Cemetery, click here

wf =  Wanstead Flats, click here

wp = Wanstead Park, click here

Below is a list of Fungi which covers the whole study area. They are presented in simple alphabetical order. The first known date of identification for a specific area is given where known.

Those species where a photograph is available of a specimen found somewhere in the area may be viewed by clicking on the scientific name.

Species Family Common Name Location
Agaricus arvensis Agaricaceae Horse Mushroom wp 13/10/1996
Agaricus campestris Agaricaceae Field Mushroom col; sw 23/09/2000; wf 23/10/1979; wp 13/10/1996
Agaricus haemorrhidarious Agaricaceae Wood Mushroom wp
Agaricus macrosporus Agaricaceae   wf
Agaricus silvaticus Agaricaceae Wood Mushroom col
Agaricus xanthodermus Agaricaceae Yellow Stainer col 04/11/2008; wf;
Agrocybe praecox Strophariaceae Spring Agaric col
Aleuria aurantia Pyronemataceae Orange-peel Fungus col 02/12/1979, wp
Amanita excelsa (spissa) Amanitaceae Grey-spotted Amanita col
Amanita fulva Amanitaceae Tawny Grisette bw
Amanita muscaria Amanitaceae Fly Agaric col 31/10/2007; wf 28/10/2012; wp 14/10/1979, 29/11/2006
Amanita pantherina Amanitaceae Panther Cap wp 2009
Amanita rubescens Amanitaceae Blusher bw; col 31/10/2007, 26/09/2013; wp 21/10/2000;
Anthracobia macrocystis Pyronemataceae Cup Fungus (a peziza) wp 27/04/1979
Armillaria mellea Tricholomataceae Honey Fungus col 09/11/1980; wp 27/09/1979
Ascocoryne sarcoides Ascocoryne Purple Jellydisk col 03/11/2005
Auricularia auricula-judae Auriculariaceae Jelly Ear bw 08/01/78; col 21/01/2006; wp 28/10/1979
Auricularia mesenterica Auriculariaceae Tripe Fungus wf 18/10/1979; wp 08/12/2008
Bjerkandera adjusta Meruliaceae Smoky Bracket bw 26/10/1980; col 02/11/2007; wp 19/11/1980
Bolbitius vittelinus (=titubans)
Yellow Fieldcap bw 28/10/2012; wp 13/10/1996
Boletus badius Boletacea Bay Bolete bw 03/09/1979; col; wp 14/10/1979
Boletus chrysenteron Boletacea Red-cracked Bolete bw; col 09/11/1980 16/10/2006; wf 28/10/1979 ;wp 12/10/1992
Boletus edulis Boletacea Penny Bun or Cep col 29/10/2000
Boletus elegans / Suillus grevillei Boletacea Larch Bolete col oct 1981
Boletus erythropus Boletacea Dotted-stemmed Bolete col
Boletus scaber Boletacea Birch Bolete col 13/10/1980
Botetus sp. Boletacea Bolete wp 03/10/2006
Boletus subtomentosus Boletacea Downy Bolete col 02/09/1979; wp 12/10/1992
Bulgaria inquinans Bulgariaceae Black Bulgar wf 12/01/2016
Calocera cornea Dacrymycetaceae Small Stagshorn bw 14/10/1979; wp
Calocera glossioides ? Dacrymycetaceae Jelly Club wp 29/11/2006
Calvatia gigantea Agaricaceae Giant Puffball col 09/10/2006; sw 18/09/2010
Chondrostereum purpureum
Silver-leaf Fungus col 1977
Claviceps purpurea Clavicipitaceae Ergot col; wf 10/08/1979
Clavulina rugosa Claviariaceae Wrinkled Club col 06/11/2012
Clavulinopsis sp. Claviariaceae Golden Spindles col 09/10/2006; wp
Clavulinopsis cinerioides Claviariaceae Coral col 11/11/2020
Clavulinopsis fusiformis Claviariaceae Golden Spindles col 31/10/2007
Clavulinopsis helvola Claviariaceae Yellow Club col 03/10/2005
Clavulinopsis luteo-alba Claviariaceae Apricot Club col 09/10/2010
Clitocybe dealbata Tricholomataceae Ivory Funnel  
Clitocybe flaccida Tricholomataceae Tawney Funnel-cap bw; col; wp 13/10/1996
Clitocybe gibba (infundibuliformis) Tricholomataceae Funnel Cap bw 28/10/2012; col, wp 25/10/2000
Clitocybe nebularis Tricholomataceae Clouded Funnel-cap bw 28/10/2012; col; wp 02/11/1980;
Collybia butyracea Tricholomataceae Butter Cap bw 31/10/2008; wp 12/10/1992;
Collybia dryophila Tricholomataceae Russett Toughshank bw; col; lf 26/10/1980; wf;
Collybia erythropus Tricholomataceae Redleg Toughshank col
Collybia maculata Tricholomataceae Spotted Toughshank wf
Collybia peronata Tricholomataceae Wood Woolly-foot bw; col; wp 13/10/1996
Coprinus atramentarius Coprinaceae Common Inkcap col; wp 13/03/1977
Coprinus cinereus Coprinaceae Dung heap Inkcap wp 19/02/1977
Coprinus comatus Coprinaceae Lawyer's Wig col 02/09/1979
Coprinus disseminatus Coprinaceae Crumble-cap wp 01/01/1978
Coprinus domesticus? Coprinaceae Firerug Inkcap wp 20/09/1992
Coprinus micaceus Coprinaceae Glistening Ink Cap col; wp 08/01/1978
Coprinus plicatilis Coprinaceae Pleated Inkcap bw 31/10/2008; sw 02/09/2000, wf 15/03/1977; wp 09/11/2002
Coryne sarcoides Corynidae Purple Jellydisk bw 26/10/1980; col 02/12/79
Cryptostroma corticale ?   Sooty Bark disease wp 20/12/2004
Cyathus olla Nidulariaceae Field Bird's-nest wf 01/01/2019
Cystoderma amianthinum Agaricaceae Earthy Powdercap col
Dacrymyces stllatus (deliquescens) Dacrymycetaceae Common Jellyspot col; wp 12/02/1977
Daedaleopsis confragosa Polyporaceae Blushing Bracket col 02/11/2007; wp 13/10/1996
Daldinia concentrica Xylariaceae King Alfred's Cakes lf 26/10/1980; wf 12/01/2016; wp 26/02/1977
Entoloma rhodopolium
Wood Pinkgill col 02/12/1979
Epichloe typhina Clavicipitaceae Grass-choke Fungus wp 07/07/2002
Erysiphe platani Erysiphaceae Plane Mildew col 22/07/2016
Exidia glandulosa ? Exidiaceae Witches Butter col 03/11/2005; wf
Fistulina hepatica Fistulinaceae Beef Steak Fungus bw; wp 06/10/2010
Flammulina velutipes
Velvet Foot col; wf 11/11/1979; wp 12/02/1977
Ganoderma applanatum/adspersum/europaeum Ganodermataceae Artist's Fungus bw 08/01/1978; col 02/11/2007; smw 07/02/2016; wf 12/01/2016; wp 14/10/1979;
Ganoderma lucidum Ganodermataceae Lacquered Bracket col 09/11/1980; wp 26/08/2010
Ganoderma resinaceum Ganodermataceae Lacquered Bracket wp 12/02/2010
Grifola frondosa Meripilaceae Hen of the Woods col 11/11/2020; wp 19/08/2010; Aldersbrook Riding School 23/09/2000; Aldersbrook Riding School 23/09/2000;
Gymnopilus junonius
Spectacular Rustgill bw 26/10/1980; col 13/10/1980; wf 14/10/1979; wp 04/10/1979
Gymnosporangium sabinae Pucciniaceae Pear Rust gdn on pear tree, 27/07/2015
Hebeloma (crustuliniforme ?) Hymenogastraceae Poison Pie bw 31/10/2008; col 04/11/2008
Hebeloma mesophaeum Hymenogastraceae Veiled Poison Pie wp 13/10/1996
Heterobasidion annosum ?
Root Rot wp
Hygrocybe sp. Hygrophoraceae Waxcap col 21/10/2008
Hygrocybe ceracea Hygrophoraceae Butter Waxcap col 29/10/2000; wf;
Hygrocybe (coccinea ?) Hygrophoraceae Scarlet Waxcap col 06/11/2012
Hygrocybe irrigata ? Hygrophoraceae Slimy Waxcap wf 22/10/2000
Hygrocybe marchii Hygrophoraceae Honey Waxcap col
Hygrocybe miniata Hygrophoraceae Vermilion Waxcap bw 26/10/1980; col 11/11/2020
Hygrocybe nigrescens Hygrophoraceae Blackening Wax-cap col 06/11/2012; wf;
Hygrocybe (Camarophyllus) nivea Hygrophoraceae Snowy Waxcap col 06/11/2012; col 04/11/2020; wf 23/11/1980
Hygrocybe pratensis Hygrophoraceae Meadow Wax-cap col
Hygrocybe psittacina Hygrophoraceae Parrot Wax-cap col; wf;
Hygrophorus eberneus ? Hygrophoraceae Ivory Waxcap col 06/11/2012
Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca Hygrophoropsis False Chanterelle bw; col
Hypholoma fasciculare Strophariaceae Sulphur Tuft bw 02/11/2008; col 31/10/2007; lf 26/10/1980; wf; wp 02/04/1977; Gilbert Slade 18/11/1979
Hypholoma sublateritium ? Strophariaceae Brick Cap wp, Warren Wood, 01/01/2006
Inocybe bongardii ? Inocybaceae Fruity Fibrecap wp 12/10/1992
Kuehneola uredinis ? Phragmidiaceae Rubus leaf rust wp 21/07/2013
Laccaria amethystina Hydnangiaceae Amethyst Deceiver bw; wf; wp 20/09/1992
Laccaria laccata Hydnangiaceae The Deceiver bw 26/10/1980; col 13/10/1980; lf 26/10/1980; wf 22/10/2000; wp 12/10/1992;
Lacrymaria velutina
Weeping Widow bw; col; wf; wp 18/10/1992
Lactarius quietus Russulaceae Oak Milk-cap bw; wp
Lactarius rufus Russulaceae Red Milk-cap col; wp 20/09/1992
Lactarius turpis Russulaceae Ugly Milk-cap col 09/10/2010; wp
Laetiporus sulphureus
Chicken of the Woods bw; col; wp 01/07/2012; Aldersbrook Riding School 23/09/2000
Langermannia gigantea
Giant Puff-ball col; wp 10/10/1992
Leccinum duriasculum Boletaceae Slate Bolete bw
Leccinum scabrum (Boletus scaber)
Boletaceae Brown Birch Bolete col
Lepiota cristata Agaricaceae Stinking Parasol col, wp
Lepiota konradii Agaricaceae Slender Parasol col
Lepista nuda Tricholomataceae Wood Blewits bw 28/10/2012; col 04/11/2008; wf 11/11/1979; wp 08/01/1978; Gilbert's Slade 18/11/1979
Lepista saeva Tricholomataceae Field Blewit wf
Leucoagaricus (Lepiota) leucothites Agaricaceae White Dapperling wf
Leucoagaricus romellii  ?
Agaricaceae   col 02/11/2007
Lycoperdon perlatum
Common Puffball bw; col; wf; wp 12/10/1992
Lycoperdon pyriforme
Stump Puffball bw 26/10/1980; col; wf 01/02/2005; wp 12/10/1992;
Macrolepiota procera Agaricaceae Parasol Mushroom bw; col 02/09/1979; sw 22/10/2004; wf 28/10/1979, wp 03/09/1977
Macrolepiota rhacodes Agaricaceae Shaggy Parasol bw; col 04/11/2008; wf 03/11/1979; wp 13/10/1996; gdn 20/09/2018
Macrotyphula (Clavaria) fistulosa Cantherellaceae Pipe Club col; wf; wp 23/10/2000;
Marasmius androsaceus Marasmiaceae Horse-hair Fungus col; wf; wp 13/10/1996
Marasmius oreades Marasmiaceae Fairy Ring Champignon bw; col 02/09/1979; wf 18/08/1979; wp 13/10/1996
Meripilus giganteus Coriolaceae Giant Polypore bw; col 13/10/1980; wf 11/09/1979; wp 26/10/1980
Merulius tremellosus (Phlebia tremellosa)
Jelly Rot col 21/01/2006; lf 26/10/1980
Mycena sp. (fibula?) Mycenaceae Bonnet col 29/10/2000; wp
Mycena aetites Mycenaceae Drab Bonnet col
Mycena alcalina Mycenaceae Stump Bell Cap col
Mycena epipterygia Mycenaceae Yellowleg Bonnet bw; col; wf
Mycena filopes Mycenaceae Iodine Bonnet bw; wp
Mycena flavo-alba Mycenaceae Ivory Bonnet col; wf 09/11/1979
Mycena galericulata Mycenaceae Common Bonnet col 02/12/1979; lf 29/10/1980; wf 29/10/1980; Gilbert's Slade 18/11/1979
Mycena galopus Mycenaceae Milking Bonnet bw; wf 09/11/1979; wp 01/11/2008
Mycena inclinata Mycenaceae Clustered Bonnet bw 26/10/1980; wp 18/10/1992
Mycena leptocephala Mycenaceae Nitrous Bonnet col; wf
Mycena olivaceomarginata Mycenaceae Brown Edge Bonnet col, wp 13/10/1996
Mycena polygramma Mycenaceae Grooved Bonnet col 13/10/1980
Mycena pura Mycenaceae Lilac Bonnett bw 31/10/2008
Mycena sanguinolenta Mycenaceae Bleeding Bonnet lf 26/10/1980
Mycena sepia Mycenaceae   wp 13/10/1996
Mycena swartzii Mycenaceae   bw; col
Mycena vitilis (filopes) Mycenaceae Snapping Bonnet wp 13/10/1996
Mycoacia uda ? Meruliaceae   wp 30/10/2009
Nectria cinnabarina Nectriaceae Coral-spot col; wf 26/02/1977, 08/01/2010; wp 13/10/1996
Nolanea farinolens Entolomataceae   col
Oudemansiella mucida Physalacriaceae Porcelain Fungus wp 12/10/1992
Panaeolus acuminatus (rickenii) Bolbitiaceae Dewdrop Mottlegill wf 27/10/1980; wp
Panaeolus papilionaceus
Bolbitiaceae Petticoat Mottlegill wp
Panaeolus sphinctrinus Bolbitiaceae Grey Mottlegill wp 13/10/1996
Panellus stipticus  ? Mycenaceae Bitter Oyster col 27/10/2005
Paxillus involutus Paxillaceae Brown Roll-rim col; wp 14/10/1979
Peziza sp. Pezizaceae Cup Fungus bw 28/10/2012; wp 03/04/1977
Peziza repanda Pezizaceae Palamino Cup wf 03/11/1979; wp 13/10/1996
Phallus impudicus Phallaceae Stinkhorn bw 26/10/1980; wf; wp
Phlebia radiata (merismoides) Meruliaceae Wrinkled Crust lf 26/10/1980; wf; wp 18/10/1992
Pholiota aurivella Strophariaceae Golden Pholoiota col 31/10/2007
Pholiota lenta ? Strophariaceae   bw 01/11/1980; col
Pholoiota lucifera ? Strophariaceae   bw 26/10/1980
Pholiota squarrosa Strophariaceae Shaggy Pholiota bw; col; wp 12/10/1992
Phragmidium violaceum Phragmidiaceae Violet Bramble Rust wf 14/11/2001
Phyllosticta sphaeropsoidea Phyllostictaceae Horse Chestnut Leaf Blotch wf 23/06/2018
Piptoporus betulinus Polyporaceae Birch Polypore col 21/01/2006; wf; wp 08/12/2008
Pluteus cervinus
Deer Toadstool wf 12/03/1977; wp 13/03/1977; lf 26/10/1980
Pluteus leoninus
Lion Shield wp 13/10/1996
Pleurotus dryinus Pleurotaceae Veiled Oyster wp 19/11/1980
Pleurotus ostreatus Pleurotaceae Oyster Fungus col 21/01/2006; 02/11/2007; wp 15/04/1979
Polyporus squamosus Polyporaceae Dryad's Saddle col 12/06/1977; wf 05/05/2006; wp 29/04/1979
Postia tephroleuca Fomitopsidaceae   wf 12/01/2016
Psathyrella candolleana Psathyrellaceae Crumble Cap col; wf 28/09/1981
Psathyrella gracilis Psathyrellaceae Brittlestem wf 03/11/1979; wp 13/10/1996
Psathyrella microrhiza Psathyrellaceae Rootlet Brittlestem col; wp 13/10/1996
Psathyrella spadico-grisea Psathyrellaceae Spring Brittlestem bw 26/10/1980; lf 26/10/1980
Ramaria ? Gomphaceae   bw 28/10/2012; sw 27/12/2012
Rhytisma acerinum Rhytismataceae Sycamore Tarspot wp 28/08/2004
Rickenella (Mycena) fibula Repetobasidiaceae Orange Mosscap bw 26/10/1980; col
Russula atropurpurea Russulaceae Purple Russula bw 03/09/1979; col 29/10/2000; lf 26/10/1980; wp; Gilbert's Slade 18/11/1979
Russula brunneoviolacea Russulaceae Brown-violet Russula bw
Russula cyanoxantha Russulaceae The Charcoal Burner bw; col; wf 28/10/1979; wp 31/10/2008
Russula emetica Russulaceae The Sickener Gilbert's Slade 18/11/1979
Russula nigricans Russulaceae Blackening Brittlegill bw; col 02/09/1979
Russula ochroleuca Russulaceae Common Ochre Russula bw; col; lf 26/10/1980; wp 20/09/1992
Russula sororia Russulaceae Sepia Brittlegill col
Russula vesca Russulaceae Bare-toothed Russula bw; wf
Schizophyllum commune Schizophyllaceae Split-gill Fungus wf 03/03/2016; Wanstead 21/10/2018
Scleroderma areolatum ?  Sclerodermataceae Leopard Earthball wf 17/01/2005
Scleroderma citrinum Sclerodermataceae Common Earth-ball bw 26/10/1980; col 04/11/2008; wp 28/10/1979
Scleroderma verrucosum Sclerodermataceae Scaly Earthball bw; col 09/10/2010; wp 20/08/2009
Scutellina scuttelata
Eye-lash Fungus wp 14/10/1979
Sphaerobolus stellatus
Shooting Star bw 14/10/1979
Stereum guasapatum Stereaceae Bleeding Oak Crust col
Stereum hirsutum Stereaceae Hairy Stereum bw 14/10/1979; wp 13/10/1996; lf 26/10/1980
Stereum rameale ? Stereaceae a crust fungus col 17/12/2006
Stereum rugosum Stereaceae Bleeding Stereum wp
Stropharia aeruginosa Strophariaceae Verdigris Agaric bw; wf; wp 06/12/2009
Stropharia semi-globata Strophariaceae Dung Roundhead bw 26/10/1980
Suillus grevellei Suillaceae Larch Bolete col
Thelephora terrestris Theleporaceae Earth Fan bw 26/10/1980; lf 26/10/1980; wp 29/11/2006
Trametes gibbosa Polyporaceae Lumpy Bracket col; wp 05/03/1977
Trametes versicolor Polyporaceae Varicoloured Bracket bw; col 31/10/2007; 02/11/2007; wf 12/10/2010; wp 20/09/1992
Tremella mesenterica Tremellaceae Yellow Brain Fungus or Witch's Butter bw 31/10/2008; wf 12/01/2016; wp 02/01/2016
Tricholoma gambosum Tricholomataceae St. George's Mushroom col 21/04/1981
Tricholoma saponaceum Tricholomataceae Soapy Knight wf; wp 13/10/1996
Tubaria furfuracea Tubariaceae Scurfy Twiglet col; wf 09/11/1979
Ustulina deusta ? Kretzschmaria Brittle Cinder col 21/01/2006
Vascellum pratense (Lycoperdon depressum) Agaricaceae Meadow Puffball wp 23/10/1979
Volvariella speciosa
Rosegill bw; wf; wp 13/10/1996
Xylaria hypoxylon Xylariaceae Candle-snuff Fungus bw 02/11/2008; col 21/01/2006; wp 01/01/1978
Xylaria polymorpha Xylariaceae Dead Mans Fingers wp 23/09/2001






  Beef Steak Fungus