Wanstead Flats weather

 Latitude N 51° 33' 18"    Longitude E 00° 12' 13"    Elevation 43 ft

This year's highs and lows
Temperature and Humidity
Highest Temperature 18.5 °C 14:17 on 14 March
Lowest Temperature -5.7 °C 06:30 on 18 January
Highest Dew Point 11.9 °C 11:12 on 18 February
Lowest Dew Point -10.7 °C 06:30 on 18 January
Highest Apparent Temperature 17.2 °C 14:20 on 20 March
Lowest Apparent Temperature -74.1 °C 16:34 on 12 January
Lowest Wind Chill Temperature -16.1 °C 16:34 on 12 January
Highest Heat Index 18.5 °C 14:17 on 14 March
Highest Minimum 12.3 °C 15 February
Lowest Maximum 3.2 °C 17 January
Highest Humidity 96 % 16:38 on 08 February
Lowest Humidity 34 % 16:52 on 24 March
Highest Daily Range 12.7 °C 30 March
Lowest Daily Range 1.5 °C 11 March
Highest Rain Rate 1.92 in/hr 20:45 on 07 March
Highest Hourly Rainfall 0.22 in 21:05 on 21 January
Highest Daily Rainfall 0.71 in 21 January
Highest Monthly Rainfall 3.33 in February
Longest Dry Period 15 days to 20 January
Longest Wet Period 13 days to 18 February
Highest Wind Gust 132.0 mph 16:38 on 12 January
Highest Wind Speed 10-minute Average 229.0 mph 16:34 on 12 January
Highest Daily Wind Run 197.9 miles 21 January
Lowest Pressure (sl) 974.1 hPa 02:53 on 28 March
Highest Pressure (sl) 1038.3 hPa 12:29 on 11 January
:now::gauges::today::yesterday::this month::this year::records::monthly records::trends::forum:

Page updated 01/04/2024 14:00:00
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