Microscopic organisms

introductory picThese include a variety of organisms observed under the microscope, and which do not necessarily fit into any of the groups separately dealt with on the website. In many - if not most - instances I do not have the expertise to offer a confident identification. In fact, I may be way off!

Apart from algae, which are included separately HERE, I have listed them (below) in loose scientific order as far as I have been able. Each is referred to by its scientific name - but rarely down to Genus and Species. I have included a common name, either by which it may be more commonly known (e.g. 'a rotifer') if it has one, or at least something to which it may be referred.

The photographs have been labeled with the date photographed, and the location. All of the photographs were taken by myself. Click on the name in the first column (Species or Order) for a photograph, or CLICK HERE for the first in the series of photographs. There may also be pop-up notes available. (click on 'Notes' at the bottom left corner)

I haven't included thumbnails for photos, just a sequence of larger-scaled images.


Species or Order
Common Name Type of Organism (inc. Class)
Location and Date of find
Amoeba sp. Amoeba Amoebozoa Capel Road garden, 10/12/2015
Chaos sp. Amoeba Amoebozoa Capel Road garden, 10/01/2018
Centropyxis (aculeata) Testate Amoeba Amoebozoa Harpenden Road garden, 01/01/2018
Difflugia sp. Testate Amoeba Amoebozoa Capel Road garden, 11/01/2018
Actinophrys sp.
Sun Animicule Heliozoa Harpenden Road Pond, 09/04/2018
Heliozoa (Order) Sun Animicule Heliozoa Capel Road garden, 03/12/2015
Amphileptus sp. Free-swimming Ciliate Ciliophora Capel Road garden, 09/04/2018
Spirostomum sp. Free-swimming Ciliate Ciliophora Capel Road garden, 23/03/2018
Colpoda sp. Free-swimming Ciliate Ciliophora Capel Road garden, 19/11/2015
Hypotricha sp. Free-swimming Ciliate Ciliophora Capel Road garden, 02/12/2015
Vorticella sp. Stalked Ciliate Oligohymenophorea Capel Road garden, 27/11/2015
Vorticella sp. Stalked Ciliate Oligohymenophorea Capel Road garden, 12/01/2018
Carchesium sp. Colonial Ciliate Oligohymenophorea Capel Road garden, 15/11/2015
Urocentrum (turbo) Free-swimming Ciliate Oligohymenophorea Perch Pond 27/01/2018
Caenomorpha medusula Free-swimming Ciliate Heterotrichea Northumberland Ave. garden, 27/01/2018
Stentor sp. Free-swimming Ciliate Heterotrichea Capel Road garden, 09/04/2018
Stylonychia Free-swimming Ciliate <Hypotrichea Capel Road garden, 02/12/2015
Stylonychia Free-swimming Ciliate Hypotrichea Capel Road garden, 17/11/2015
Euplotes sp. Free-swimming Ciliate Spirotrichea Capel Road garden, 10/12/2015
Strombidium sp. Unicellular Ciliate Oligotrichea Capel Road garden, 02/12/2015
Gastrotricha (Phyllum) Hairyback Gastrotricha (Phyllum) Capel Road garden pond, 13/01/2018
Chaetonotus sp. ? Hairyback Gastrotricha (Phyllum) Capel Road garden pond, 18/01/2018
Nematode (Phyllum) Nematode Nematoda (Phyllum) Capel Road garden, 27/11/2015
Rotifer (Brachionus ?) Rotifer Rotifera (Phyllum) Capel Road garden, 28/11/2015
Brachionus sp. Rotifer Rotifera (Phyllum) Capel Road garden, 29/11/2015
Habrotrocha sp. Rotifer Rotifera (Phyllum) Capel Road garden, 08/11/2015
Keratella sp. Rotifer Rotifera (Phyllum) Capel Road garden, 23/03/2018
Ploima (Order) Rotifer Rotifera (Phyllum) Capel Road garden, 01/12/2015
Macrobiotus sp. Tardigrade (Water Bear) Tardigrada (Phyllum) Capel Road garden, 18/12/2017
For other groups of microscopic organisms, particularly algae, use the listing below or the more extensive one to the left.
