Mosses in Wanstead

In the introduction to the wildlife of the Wanstead area, a notable omission in information about particular groups of plants or animals includes mosses. It is stated that this is because the expertise has not been available for this group, and this of course needs addressing - if possible.

In fact Roger Snook of Wanstead does have some expertise in these plants, so as an introductory guide to them we arranged a couple of simple "overview" walks - one in Wanstead Park and another on Wanstead Flats.

The results are shown below as a simple list of species that we found to be present, without a close examination. It is certain that many more species would be found, particularly if samples were collected and examination performed. Hopefully, this might come later.

I have also included species found in my garden; even here it is very likely that more will be present.

Wanstead Park

Atrichum undulatum - Chalet Wood

Brachythecium albicans - the Plain

Brachythecium rutabulam - the Plain

Eurhynchium sp. - Chalet Wood, the Dell

Fissidens bryoides - Chalet Wood - damp banks

Funaria hygrometrica - the Plain

Wanstead Flats

Brachythecium albicans

Brachythecium rutabulam

Polytrichum commune

Polytrichum juniperinum

Polytrichum piliferum


Amblystegium serpens

Tortula muralis