Draft Conservation Statement published: public consultation begins
A new chapter in the Wanstead Park story begins
In 2009, English Heritage declared Wanstead Park on its ‘at risk’ register. The park was deemed ‘at risk’ as it was believed the landscape was declining and was in urgent need of new investment.
Consultants, Chris Blandford Associates, have been appointed by the City of London to help develop long term regeneration plans for the park. They will be progressing proposals with the Epping Forest team, residents and other local organisations, over the next four months.
The main proposals to improve the landscape, its historic features, visitor facilities, community and educational programmes, will be summarised in a document called a ‘Conservation Statement’ which the Corporation will then consider taking forward as part of a ‘Parks for People’ bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Formal public consultations on the draft proposals to inform the Conservation Statement will take place between 14 and 28 February 2011. Details are available on the Wanstead Parklands Community Project website.