Bat roosts in Wanstead Park
Three unusual bat roosts were erected at the north end of Wanstead Park in early 2008. These are oak trunks, hollow, and split in such a way as to encourage bats to roost therein. They are lashed to living tree trunks, appearing somewhat like gigantic garden canes as if to support the trees! (photos)
These were erected, it is supposed, in compensation for the destruction of natural bat roosts nearby in preparation for Thames Water Authority's pipe-laying operation over the last year. (see here)
As well as these, two others were provided at the same time. One is again a log from a tree, but his time it is strapped above a branch of a living tree that overhangs (and indeed leans towards!) the Ornamental Water at its North-east corner. The other - midway along the golf-course fence - is attached to the side of a tree and looks somewhat like a plastic dustbin.